Affiliate Hectagon Program

1. Name of the campaign

Affiliate Hectagon Program

2. Motivation

  • To create motivation for anyone to spread the vision and promotion of Hectagon to their audience
  • To build a sustainable long-term marketing and strategic partnership with qualified KOLs and community partners

3. Rewards size

The commission receives at the end of the campaign with the $HECTA

Each purchase action through the Affiliate link will be counted and transform the corresponding commission automatically for each transaction based on Tier Ranking.

The commission calculation system will be based on 2 tier ranking:

  • Tier 1: for the community or KOLs with 10,000 followers, the commission rate is 10%.
  • Tier 2: for anyone who participate, the commission rate is 5%.

Register at:

4. Mechanism

  • Anyone participating in the Affiliate Program will give a unique Affiliate link based on the wallet address and registrant information.
  • KOL can choose to share part of the commission for their community, and the buyer will receive the bonus directly according to the vesting schedule. Note: The number of commissions will fix throughout the campaigns.

After the Campaign ends:

  • The number of new buyers will not count when accessing the Affiliate link.
  • The number of old buyers, calculated through the Affiliate link, will continue to be counted until 90 days.
  • Tier ranking will reset for each campaign, and the remaining commission fee anyone can claim or be converted into the tier ranking of the next campaign.

5. Timeline: latest start date and latest end date

Commission generation based on Affiliate link:

  • Start date: 17 Oct , 2022
  • End date: 31 Dec, 2022

Commission rewards based on Affiliate link results:

  • Start date: 17 Nov, 2022
  • End date: 15 Jan, 2023

6. Participant condition


Register at:

Polling deadline: 00:00 19-Oct, 2022 (Vietnam time)

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters